President Joe Biden on Saturday stopped to take selfies with first responders and medical personnel who joined Group of 20 world leaders on stage following their traditional "family photo."
take selfies: 自拍
personnel: 人员
first responder:现场急救员
This weekend's summit in Rome marks the first time the group has been able to meet in person since the start of Covid-19. Bringing the first responders and medical personnel on stage with the leaders was meant to honor their work and service throughout the pandemic.
in person:亲自,本人
pandemic: 疾病大流行(指世界范围的,局部的有epidemic)
More than 4.9 million people across the globe have died from Covid-19, including more than 745,000 Americans. The Biden administration is pushing to get every American vaccinated. So far, just over 57% of the total US population is vaccinated.
Administration: 管理部门,政府
Vaccinate: 接种疫苗
While in Rome, the leaders of the world's largest economies are expected to discuss the pandemic, global supply chain problems, a global minimum tax rate, high energy prices and combating the climate crisis, among other topics.
Economy: 经济,经济体
Supply chain: 供应链
Tax rate: 税率
Combat: 与…..做斗争
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